The Reality of Alcohol Addiction (Infographic)

While alcohol is legal and readily available, it is still an addictive substance. Every day, alcohol addiction impacts individuals and families across the country. Alcohol creates serious physical and psychological dependencies, and withdrawal can be painful and even fatal in some cases. An alcohol addiction treatment program offers the highest levels of care, so each…

What Is a 12-Step Program?

Alcoholics Anonymous, also known as AA, was the first organization to adopt and publish a 12-step program to treat alcohol addiction. People started using the Alcoholics Anonymous program to get sober, and others took notice. Then, the NJ 12-step program started popping up in other treatment settings. For example, Narcotics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, and Overeaters…

do i need aa

Do You Need AA?

An Overview Of Alcoholics Anonymous Without a doubt, Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the most successful programs in the world when it comes to helping people overcome alcohol addiction and substance abuse. Even though Alcoholics Anonymous is specifically for people who struggle with alcohol, it can also help people who struggle with gambling addiction, sex…